Available Dogs - Midatlantic

Please visit our adoption page to read about applying for a New Spirit dog.  
The link to the application is at the bottom of that page.

Many times, a dog on this page will already be adopted by the time we process your application. If a dog you were looking at no longer appears on this page, please check our "Happy Endings" page to see if they've been adopted.

Don't wait until you see the dog of your dreams to put in an application!
Coming Attractions:  
The dogs in Coming Attractions are not yet available but if you see one that interests you, please submit an application now to allow time for processing.
Hold: These dogs in the New Spirit program are currently undergoing medical treatment or behavioral                          assessment.  No applications are being accepted on them at this time.  Please check back for updates.
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Referral Dogs

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Referral Dogs

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Adoption Process
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Pilots and Paws

Wags and Wiggles
Referral Dogs

Bailey Blue is a work in progress, learning to trust people. She may have been abused or had some head injury or is just naturally extremely shy of people, but she is great with other dogs.  This girl is a flower waiting to bloom and it will take some time to see how much more progress she can make. She may never be a very social dog with people she doesn't know but it's clear she will learn to love and trust at least one or two people.  Bailey Blue is fostered in Collegeville PA. NS3780
Mangus - ADOPTION PENDING - is in the 30 pound range and presently on medical hold due to recuperation from an accident. He is approximately 8 years old and semi-velcro. He always wants to know where you are and can hear you move from two rooms away. He is totally trust worthy without a crate, but will slip into his crate periodically for a nap. He experienced some time on his own before being rescued so asks that we keep all garbage can lids closed. He does not play with toys but enjoys belly rubs while in your lap and loves hanging on the deck watching the deer and new fawns on the outside of the fencing. Fostered in Stroudsburg, PA  NS3884

​Good things come in small packages and well, BIG packages, too! Hewgo is a five year- old Black Bi Australian Shepherd with crystal blue eyes (Move over Frank Sinatra, there is a new Chairman of the Board!)
This very easy-going, calm, handsome boy simply just loves being loved. He knows commands, walks perfectly on a leash, does not react to bicycles or runners. He is friendly with men, women and children when on walks on the rail trail. He is curious and friendly to most other dogs. He interacts well with children in playing fetch; he actually drops the ball on command and can't wait till the next throw!
In his previous life, it appears food was a priority. His current daily 1.7 mile early morning and evening walks on the rail trail are getting him more fit. He can be a counter surfer, but takes correction quickly and easily. He loves meal time and patiently awaits his bowl to be set and the command to eat. He is such a gentleman at 69 lbs. and losing!
​Hewgo is calm with visitors and the household in general. He does like to come to the door when the door bell rings, but does not bark or jump; he simply sniffs. He has not barked at passers-by while inside. Occasionally, he will jump up on the furniture with you to cuddle.
This lamb of a boy is also housebroken and crate trained. He was excellent for his bath; walked right into the tub, stood still and relished the refreshing lather, rub and rinse. He shockingly laid down for the "blow out" and fell asleep.
Hewgo is a gem, deserving only of the kindest of homes. The best fit for Hewgo would be a home where daily exercise/walk(s) are a given. His energy level is medium; he is not hyper. He has sat calmly with family on a leash in the front yard watching neighborhood activity. A fenced yard would be a bonus. He loves being in the know.
Oh, did I mention he loves to ride in the car and is absolutely PERFECT! He rides calmly in the back, and awaits command to exit. In the evening, he is content to sleep on a cool floor, or he retreats to an open kennel on his own. He recently discovered his orthopedic bed and has added that to his favorite resting spots. Although he likes to be with his person, he is content to simply be within sight. 
Are you the perfect home for this new Chairman of the Board?

Hewgo is currently being fostered in Lebanon, PA.

​Apply here for him.  NS4067

Hawk is a young (between 1 and 3 years old), 50 lb. black tri male. Hawk is a pretty laid back guy; he's happiest hanging out with his people. He has a sweet face with big brown eyes that just bore into your soul as he gently nudges your hand for pets. In his previous life, he was largely an outdoor, kenneled dog and since going into foster, he has adjusted well to inside life. He is eager to curl up on the couch with his people, is a great snuggler in bed, and will carry squeaky toys to invite others to play. He gets along well with other dogs and loves people. His favorite activities are being a couch potato, squeaking a toy, and chasing squirrels out of the yard.

Hawk has a toothy Aussie smile that he'll show off when called. He greets his people with a healthy wiggle and some hand nudges. He is crate trained and housetrained. He's still nervous about the leash, but he's eager to please and learns quickly. He has conquered sit and will be a star in obedience classes. This southern gentleman is a really sweet boy who just wants a family and couch to call his own.

Hawk really enjoys the company of others, so a home with another dog and/or people who are always home is best. His previous loud was quite loud and chaotic, and he has since discovered the pleasure of a quiet and comfortable environment. Hawk is nervous in loud, chaotic environments, so a home with older kids or no kids is best. He happily curls up with the kid in the foster home, but when friends are over, he prefers to retire to a quiet area of the house. He is timid in new environments, so a fenced-in yard is a must.

He is fostered in Roanoke, VA       Apply here for him.  NS4080


Champi is a very affectionate nine month old, 35 lb male.

He loves meeting new people and going to new places. He's excellent on the leash and loves to go for walks with people and other dogs

Champi plays with tennis balls, likes cats, and loves having fun with other dogs, though he's still learning that not all dogs like to play with the same energy level as himself.

He has come a long way in the short time he's been in his Allentown foster home, and he needs to continue developing his self confidence. We know he's ready to make a great pet for someone willing to invest in him!

Champi is fostered in Allentown, PA

Apply here for him.  NS4098
Movin’ Miss Daisy 

Movin' Miss Daisy is ready to move on up to her own family! Weighing 33 lbs. and 2-3 years old, Daisy is a solidly built girl with some freckles on her nose, a stub of a tail and prick ears. Her youthful zest for life is balanced by her lack of experiences in the outside world. Ordinary things can make her stop and take a look to figure them out but she is game to give new experiences a chance. This includes getting used to walking nicely on a leash. Daisy has settled in well since arriving and happily follows you around as you move around the house. If you settle then she finds a place to take a snooze.

When you are down at her level then she assumes you want lots of cuddles and kisses. And she thinks she should be first in line for all handouts trying to nudge out other dogs. However she is never nasty and is having to learn some self control. Daisy is generally chill in the house but has short times when her antics ramp up. She can be jumpy when she is excited to see you and grab at various items that looks delectable (knobs, shoes, baskets, etc.) to get attention. Daisy is still a bit mouthy and a bit mischievous at times.

Baxter came into foster over a month ago and has really come a long way ( nickname Bark A Saurus Rex. aka Busybody at the front window - barking at everyone he saw). I have taken him to the Dog Fest in Baltimore County where there were lots of dogs, rescues, vendors and people and free treats (he loves food). He was an angel. Recently, we went shopping at Tractor Supply and the Boy Scouts were there and they wanted to pet him. He calmly walked up with his tail wagging and stood there. He is so much better on walks with or without bribery with the barking and meeting the neighbors.. He does need two walks a day (not long) as he does his business on his walks , so far he hasn't played with any toys.

 He is an Aussie possibly mixed with Collie and 57 lbs about 7 - 8 years old and a strong dog who can't resist a rabbit. My Mom came up and she is 83 years old and she said he was a good boy. He is housebroken, crate trained ( we only use on grocery day , when we go in and out bringing the groceries in). He has free run of the house when we go out. He can walk on a loose leash, at a heel. He can be a counter surfer so don't tempt him. (He loves food). If you are in the kitchen and you put him in a down stay out of the way he will stay out from under foot, but is not under foot most of the time. He stands nicely to be brushed and his fur is coming in nicely from being shaved. He can sit, and down. He must sit for his meals and treats. He does endeavor to please and learns quickly. He rides like a champ in the car. He really is a sweet boy, bonds quickly and is smart.

Mr Baxter is fostered in Spring Grove PA

Apply here for him.  NS4097
Daisy's house training has been solid while left alone for shorter times and in a crate at night. Grooming has not been a big issue and she has been great sticking close off-leash on our hikes. She is a bit timid meeting dogs and people she doesn't know but warms up fairly quickly. 

So Daisy is an adorable combination of grownup and puppy playfulness. She is a friendly dog that is very easygoing around toddlers and kids. Having lived with other dogs she has no issues being around them or cats and would enjoy having playmates. Daisy is looking for a life of love and fun with the creature comforts of her own home.

She is being fostered in Lancaster PA.

Apply here for her.  NS4099
Please check back for updates.

Brian is a handsome 4-year-old red bi Aussie, weighing 38 pounds, and he’s ready for a new beginning. This housebroken boy rides well in the car and is easy to handle for grooming. He’s gentle with kids and has a calm, submissive nature, though he’s still learning to fully trust humans after spending most of his life living outdoors with minimal contact.

While Brian tends to avoid human interaction at first, once he feels safe, he’s sweet and cooperative. He will do best in a home with a secure yard, free from dense undergrowth where he might hide as he’s still adjusting to life indoors.  After a rough start, he's now fantastic on leash.

Brian crates easily and sleeps peacefully through the night. Though he may explore windows and doors in the house, hoping to return outdoors, this will ease as he becomes more comfortable with indoor living and learns to enjoy the warmth of human companionship. With time, patience, and kindness, Brian is sure to become a devoted and loving family member.

Brian is fostered in Collegeville PA. 

Apply here for him.  NS4101

Remi is a sweet, goofy, and petite adolescent girl 9 months old and 20 lbs who loves cuddles, romping in the yard, and going on hikes. She has completed obedience training, walks beautifully on leash, and is a bit hesitant but warms up quickly to strangers. She has typical puppy energy so a balance of activity with rest would be ideal for her in a new home. She loves a good belly rub and is great in a crate when home alone. 

She is a bouncy girl who likes to get scratches by laying half on/half off your lap while trying to lick your face. 

With proper introductions to other dogs, she has been social and loves to chase & be chased. With her puppy eyes and sweet personality, she would love a home of her own! 

Remi is fostered in Norristown PA. Apply here for her. NS4120
Mr. Charlie

Mr. Charlie is a young black-tri, with a terrific will to please. Just a year-and-a-half old, he eagerly learns new skills and tricks; he nailed clicker training in one day. His recall is terrific, and he responds like a whip to an alert sound (“beep, beep, beep”) for challenging situations.

Mr. Charlie was raised around young children and wags his nubby tail when he hears kids. He is completely reliable in the house, and neutered.

He walks well on a loose leash, appearing unconcerned by sirens, busses and even fireworks. Pulling will happen if he needs to relieve himself (or if he sees a squirrel) but redirection is quick with a treat or a click of the tongue. At 50 pounds, it will be good to reinforce his excellent walking habits with treats and praise.

Mr. Charlie's energy level is appropriate for his age, 5 to7 out of 10 but not over the top (unless he is deliberately stimulated, lol).

He loves outside social time, playing appropriately in the dog park. Inside, Charlie is learning to lower his energy level, especially around other dogs in his foster home. He is re-learning the crate and may need reinforcement here, too.
A house fire means he was given up through no fault of his own. He would be happiest in a home where he can be around someone throughout the day to continue his manners training and make sure he has lots of dog social fun.

Mr. Charlie is fostered in Washington DC.

Apply here for him.  NS4125
Koda Chrome

Introducing Koda, a beautiful 2 yr. old male black-bi Australian Shepherd. At 46 lbs., he hopes you have a King bed, or at the very least a queen, because he definitely plans on sleeping in it with you every night. Koda, a lifelong fan of Paul Simon, is a lovingly boisterous dog who would do well in an active household, preferably with at least one other dog. He loves to walk and hike and would be a great candidate for agility training and related activities. With lots of energy, he is currently working with his foster human to better manage his enthusiasm for squirrels, bicyclists, and loud noises. That being said, he is doing great with other dogs and is very friendly toward new humans: young, old, or middle-aged! He's also cat friendly! Especially if said cat(s) also like Paul Simon and the other greats of the American folk rock canon.

Koda is up-to-date medically and currently being fostered in the City of Pittsburgh.

Apply here for him.  NS4126